Friday, December 08, 2006


Still down with this damn cold; it's been a week and I still feel like hammered shit. My voice keeps waiting to cut out, I feel like I swallowed mud and I'm constantly tired.

I hate cold and flu season.

I hate December.

As you might have guessed, I'm not exactly in the "Chri$tma$ spirit". I probably won't be for the next few Chri$tma$ seasons, if ever. This same thing happened to me several years ago, when I broke up with my idiot ex. It took quite a few years before I got my "holiday mojo" back.

It may not happen this time.

I may just say to hell with Chri$tma$ altogether. I've just gotten too damn cynical to celebrate much of anything anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the spirit! We don't celebrate Christmas. We save a lot of money that way. :)