Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Feel Safer Already

Bush is trying to fast track executions.

The Bush administration is preparing to speed up the executions of criminals who are on death row across the United States, in effect, cutting out several layers of appeals in the federal courts so that prisoners can be "fast-tracked" to their deaths.

Good old W. He truly cares about the living.

President Bush has always been a death penalty enthusiast. The 152 prisoners he dispatched to their deaths in his eight years as governor of Texas set a high-water mark unmatched before or since.

I'm so glad GW is watching over us. I'm sure Joe Amrine feels the same.

Four years ago, a Missouri man, Joe Amrine, was released after 17 years on death row after the collapse of all evidence that led to his conviction for a jail murder. The state argued, with a straight face, that even the establishment of innocence was not a reason to stop his execution, because nothing had been procedurally incorrect about his original trial. Again, it was a federal appeals court that weighed in on Amrine's behalf.

I'll sleep soundly tonight, yessiree. No worries here. Wait, is that the thud of boots on the pavement?

Ah, it's just my imagination.


I hope.

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