Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Work With Idiots

But then again, what else is new?

Nearly tore out my hair on Thursday: Someone brought up a shower head with a clearance sticker on it. The sticker said $9.00 but it was meant for toys (Dept 7) and the shower head in question came up $27.88. So I called Hardware and asked them about it. The guy working back there said that it was not a clearance item and the 27.88 price was correct. I tell the customer this. She demands a head cashier. I explain everything. He takes off. When he comes back he says that I have to override it, per Tom.

You remember Tom, right? The fucking idiot dickhead? Yeah, not only is he a lousy manager but he just cost our fucking store damn near twenty bucks. And there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. It seems as long as the items is marked with a clearance tag I have to sell it at clearance price no matter what.

Fast forward to last night. Seems the person working in stationary was redoing an endcap and didn't change the sign. So I sold four (or was it six?) Crayola Light Writers for $1.88. They actually retail for $19.97. If management pisses about it, too fucking bad. I saw the sign myself and considering the night before, why fucking try to do the right thing?

I'd scream, but I can't do it loud enough and I'd just ruin my voice anyway. There's no damn point.

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