Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Heart Bleeds.... Oh Wait, It DOESN'T

Can someone explain to me why in the hell the Supreme Court is worried for Exxon? Yes, that Exxon, the one who fucked up royally in Alaska damn near twenty years ago and made $40 billion in 2006. It wouldn't be because the sorry bastards might actually have to own up and pay for the goddamned mistake they made in 1989, now would it?


Hey Exxon? Do the right fucking thing for one and PAY THE GODDAMNED MONEY YOU FUCKING OWE!! You fucked up, now own up to that and take some fucking responsibility for once. Stop dragging your damned feet, grow up and take it like a fucking adult.

--Weasel, "It's been almost 20 years. These fuckers ought to owe Alaska a shitload of interest and fucking penalty fees."

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