Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Some Days I Wonder...

Within two weeks of each other, we have two separate shooting rampages; the second of which was in my home state. It's hard to comprehend such senseless acts.

Can someone explain to me just what is wrong with everything? Why would anyone feel the need to shoot another person? How did the world get this screwed up? I just don't get it.

Again, I can't complain about my life. Everything that's been bothering me has been minor irritations at worst. I am damned lucky.

Which is more than I can say for some others out there. And that makes me want to curl under my blankets and cry. But if I start crying, I won't stop anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

As callous as I sound, don't waste your tears. The cynic in me only sees more of this to come...:(


Weasel said...

Yeah, you're probably right and that is seriously fucked up if you ask me. I'm reminded of Azumanga Daioh, where everyone was telling Chiyo-chan that if she came to the United States to study, she'd get shot. I used to think that was funny. Now it doesn't seem so damned humorous. =/