Monday, May 08, 2006

Hypocrisy? Or Stupidity?

You decide.

I'm often floored by the complete and utter idiocy of some members of our species; I know they don't mean to act so stupidly (they can't help it, really) but I still can't help but find their behavior... well, insane. Case in point:

A couple of days ago, Prime and I decided to hit the new Best Buy near my place of employment. As we pull into the nearest open parking space, my blood pressure immediately goes up about fifty points. We were parked behind a truck that was obviously owned by a neo-con; the bumper stickers proved it. On the left side of this brain trust's vehicle was a bumper sticker sniping, "It's easy to be 'pro-life' when you're not the one being killed," (the "ll"s in killed were footprints) while on the right side, s/he trumpeted, "Real heroes wear camo. Support our troops."

Um, what?

Why on earth would you dare whimper about the "poor, poor fetuses" when there are living, breathing people dying in an unjust war being waged in a foreign country? Why fight so hard to save something that, at its earliest stage, lacks a fucking spine and brain, while you're hellbent on sending someone's son or daughter to get shot at by a pissed off Sunni or Shiite? What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you even dare to claim to be "pro-life"?

It's brutally apparent that you are not. Or, you're pro-life only at leisure.

--Weasel, who wants a bumper sticker that says, "Pro-war? You can't be pro-life."

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