Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And Somehow, I Just Can't Care Anymore...

I saw Susie the other day. She's doing well, has another job and said flat out that yes it was a bullshit reason that was used to fire her. I'm just glad she could get another job, considering how fucked up the economy is right now. And I'm glad she's in a better position.

There are days I really hate my job. Monday was one of them.

It seems management doesn't want any of the cashiers to place perishable items into any of the soda coolers up front. Basically, we now have to call the departments and pray to Primus that somebody comes up to get their shit.

Yeah, that doesn't often happen. I've lost count of how many times Frozen Foods has never shown up to get their crap.

Why do I have the feeling I'm going to be defecting out a lot more shit? Oh well. Whatever. I can't even give a shit anymore.

--Weasel, "Can we fast-forward to next June? Please?!"


The Culture Ghost said...

take their money. plan your escape. smile.

and don't care. most of all, don't care.

Weasel said...

Sounds like a plan. I think I'm getting the "I don't care" part down pat.

The Culture Ghost said...

It is in your best interest to look after you and yours. No one else out there is going to (sorry to be so damn cynical, but we live in a Truly Despairing Age). Smile. Plot. Stay aware of your environment. Enjoy the hell out of what you do have at the moment.