Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Five Degrees of Pissed Off

As of this very moment, it is taking every bit of restraint in my body not to throw my stupid mouse across the room.

I was doing a few rewrites and edits to my work and thought I had saved. Or rather, I was attempting to save when the fucking mouse pulled the "What the fuck, you don't need this shit open anymore" bullshit that it's been pulling for the past few weeks. So my file was closed out. Before I could save.

When I reopened the file, I could see the word count was off.

There went a thousand words and a shit-ton of tweaking on my part. I'm surprised I'm not mute right now, I howled so loudly. (Oh, and I have a chest cold. That'll do wonders for my slagging voice.)

Prime's pretty much under orders: New mouse. Now.
No, I have zero desire to use the damned touchpad; that's the little fucker who "helped" reformat my work several weeks ago without me asking. That was damn near a week of cursing I'd rather forget.

Here's hoping Prime can do something with Auto Recover. If not, I'm fucked. And doing this shit again tomorrow. :grumble:

--Weasel, "Me, the old mouse and a sledgehammer. That's all the hell I'm asking for..."


Kraneia said...

Anything worth doing is always a labor of love. But if you love what you do, it really isn't labor. Just a pain in the ass.

Hang in there, one day you'll look back and laugh.

....cup o' hot chocolate?


Prime said...

Aaaaand my new nickname for Wingnut is BONER CONVOY. Only BONER CONVOY could somehow have created a third copy of her Megatron Opus and spent her time saving to that, blaming her inability to find her own work on the poor, innocent mousie.

Goofball. Shame on you, BONER CONVOY.

(Bought the new mouse, anyway...what I'm doin' takin' orders from BONER CONVOY, I dunno...)

(...that's right, I'm hammerin' it into the ground immediately. BONER CONVOY, BONER CONVOY, BONER CONVOY.)

Anonymous said...

Rotten luck, but you'll come through this. The important thing is the doing. Keep at it and you will be delightfully pleased with yourself. Have faith in the outcome.

Weasel said...

'Scuse me a sec.... :smacks Prime:

Ah, finally! A non-suck mouse! I can work!

Evil King Macrocranios said...

Ugh Ugh Ugh, A million times ugh. Boy do I know how that feels. Ususally power outages do it to me when I'm in the middle of something. I don't know what kills me more-losing words, HTML code or losing photo edits.