Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Motivation to Murder the Grass

So, our lawn was getting a little shaggy and Prime wondered, after returning my phone call to him at work to commiserate about the loss the Brewers had just suffered at the hands of the Pittsburgh Pirates, if I could mow it during this decently nice know, before the weather decides to turn to 'I DRENCH YOU NOW' again. Now, I really don't mind killing the patch of greenery in our yard, but it is a bit labor-intensive. So I was about to strike a deal with my sweetie-bot and tell him, sure I'd do it, if I could be promised one of these.

I know what you're going to ask--what the slag is that thing? Simply put, it's a plush Pokemon keychain. Not just any Pokémon, either. It's a Golurk keychain.

Instant want. Golurk is only one of my favorite Pokémon. The other being its base form, Golett. Those two are hands down, my favorites. I love 'em more than any Pokémon from previous genrations. The words "utter adoration" might actually fit in this case. Seriously, golem + robot = instant epic win.

So, as I tell Prime that I'll do it for the keychain, he tells me that there's a small box near the desk that I should look inside. Curiosity gets the better of me and I do.

What stares back at me? A little plush Golurk. Yep, Prime had gotten me the keychain, along with a Golurk figure. I have no idea when he did it, but he did it.

Pity my poor front lawn, as it had no idea what hit it. I have never mowed with such extreme prejudice before. Seems I owed Prime that much, at least. That and I'll do slag near anything for my favorite Pokémon.

...within reason of course. (Stop getting ideas, Prime. I forbid you from milking this!)

--Weasel, "And now--TACOS!!"

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