Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Ace Job, Guys

Really, way to fucking go. A group of Wal*Mart employees managed to kill a suspected shoplifter by pining him to hot asphalt:
How damn stupid do you have to frakking be?

According to Portz, Driver began to plead with them men. "He's begging, 'Please call an ambulance, let me up, do something, I'm gonna die," said Portz. He said the loss prevention employees called the police more than once, but another bystander called for an ambulance after realizing Driver was in trouble. Portz said he eventually began to plead with the Walmart employees. "I told them, this guy doesn't look like he's breathing," Portz said, "They said, 'He's all right." He says he continued to plead with the men, pointing out that the man's fingernails were turning gray. "They said he's just high on something," adding, "They just kept him pinned down for twenty minutes or more until the ambulance came." He said he believed Driver was dead when the ambulance left with him, but he was not certain.

Now remember, this is all a big evil media conspiracy, trying to ruin a perfectly good company who does absolutely nothing but good for the communities that it's planted in. This is all just a big, bad biased report aimed at turning customers against this company.

Yeah, right.

--Weasel, who thinks those associates are guilty of "grand theft dumbass"

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