Sunday, August 07, 2005

He's Finally Lost It

Or maybe he never fucking had it. Found this running through my usual news sites; I honestly do not know whether to laugh or cry:

Phelps' little group is protesting funerals. Military funerals. As in dead soldiers from Iraq. What the flying fuck?!

From the article: ' "The first sin was being a part of this military. If this young man had a clue and any fear of God, he would have run, and not walked, from this military," said protester Shirley Phelps-Roper. "Who would serve a nation that is godless and has flipped off, defiantly defied, defiantly flipped off, the Lord their God?"

One protester had an American flag tied to his belt that draped to the ground. He was holding a sign that read, "Thank God For IEDs," which are explosive devices used by insurgents to blow up military convoys.'

Keep it up, Phelps. Go right the hell ahead. By the time you're done, people will be protesting your funeral. Hope your family doesn't bitch and whine that it's disrespectful, you brain dead idiot.

--Weasel, who believes in the first amendment... and the second amendment as well

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