Monday, March 10, 2008

And Now I Feel Like Ass....

Throat's sore and I've been coughing a bit. Yeah, I think I finally caught the crap Prime had. The Universe isn't done kicking my ass around.

--Weasel, "Fuck this shit. Let's go directly to April, do not pass go, do not collect $200."


Evil King Macrocranios said...

My friend John and I have this saying "No sleep till Botcon" and this time I was so in pain from the the coughing I almost thought I really wouldn't get any sleep until late April. Good luck getting better.

Sick had its upside at the end, though, because it helped me not take good health for granted. There's nothing like that feeling of enormous appreciation I felt once everything was back to good. I was so happy just to be able to breathe.

I'll take the $200!

Weasel said...

Yeah, I'd love to be able to swallow, or talk for that matter. April can't get here fast enough.

Unfortunately, the $200 is going to be blood money for my stupid credit card company. Personally, I'd love to tell GE Money Bank to stuff it up their collective ass.... But I'm not bitter, honest.