Tuesday, July 28, 2009

There's Only So Much Stupid I can Stand, You Know

Went to a meeting yesterday. It seems WIC is changing and we all had to be duly informed, so we all were.

Then it got stupid. And fast.
There's a new rule now: no cell phones, MP3 players or hand held video gaming systems are allowed on the salesfloor. Which means if you have a DS in your pocket, even if you're not using it, you are breaking the rules. Which means I've been breaking the rules for a long damned time.

It seems we have some nitwits using their cell phones while on the clock, so we all have to pay the price. Meaning, I'd have to leave my DS in my bag (not going to happen), in my locker (not happening either) or at home so some dipstick won't steal the damned thing. (Trust me, I've had a lot of shit stolen. I am not risking my DS.)

I'm actually pretty depressed about this. My DS has been one of the few bright spots I have at work. I don't know if I'm willing to give that up.

--Weasel, "It's kinda like asking me to give up sunshine. I can do it, but I won't like it."


Anonymous said...

That really does suck indeed, consdering I've lost 2 mobile phones during this decade. Still, it's better to go along with this rule rather than circumventing them. The alternative in times like these is...unacceptable.


Weasel said...

Yeah, don't I know it. It drives me nuts, though--I'd never break out my DS on the clock, so why not go after the dipstick who would? Oh wait, it makes sense.... that's why. -.-;

And it's been the new hires who've been doing this. One was texting while watching the GM self-checks (there's something I would never do) while another was texting while ringing up an order at an express lane! Way to go, dipwad. I work with real winners, I tell ya. :Insert head slamming into wall here: