Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Mommy Militia Strikes!

Okay, this is just classic:
the Mommy Militia is boycotting a Chicago bakery that has posted a sign asking for children to behave and use their "indoor voices".

(I'd love to know how they'd react to the sign at the pet supply place my mother frequented. It read: "All unattended children will be sold into slavery.")

Yes, you are reading that correctly: these dipshits are pissed off because this poor guy is asking parents to (GASP!!) make sure their children behave! Oh, the horror, the horror! What next? Will parents be forced to actually discipline their children, rather than let them run wild in public places? Oh, the humanity!

I've got some advice for the Mommy Militia: quit your bitching and get the fuck over it.

Remember, I work as a cashier. I have seen more misbehaving children than I care to go into. And I have seen more "parents" just stand the hell by and let their "pwecious widdle peanut" get away with whatever they want.

Newsflash, idiots: people are fucking tired of your bratty children. We are sick and damned tired of your "perfect widdle pwincess" screaming "I WANT CANDY/TOYS/WHATEVER NOW!" or your "sweet widdle pumpkin" racing around the supermarket, running into people and displays as if he's in a playground and not a place of business. And we are royally sick and damned tired of all you "parents" doing absolutely nothing to stop your children's bad behavior. Really now, were you allowed to act like that in public? I seriously doubt it.

I come from a time when "Children should be seen and not heard" was the general rule. My parents would not allow misbehavior in public. If I screwed up, there were consequences. Severe consequences. And I knew ahead of time that there would be severe consequences if I did not behave. If I was extremely lucky, I'd get dragged out to the car by my mother who would then tell me that we were going home NOW. If I really screwed up, I'd get walloped on the ass, dragged out to the car, then grounded for at least a month the very nanosecond I arrived at home. Was it harsh? Yes. Did it keep me in line? You bet your sweet ass it did. I'm not saying I was perfect (and no, I wasn't), but I did try to behave decently in public whenever I could.

Now, why can't other parents do that? Is it because they lack testicular (or ovarian) fortitude? Do they just not want to be the "bad cop"? Or do they just not want to make "the same mistakes" that their parents "made"? What gives?

It doesn't really matter, though. I can't wait until the Mommy Militia starts dealing with their spoiled, bratty teenagers. By then, they may understand why Mr. McCauley posted that sign.

--Weasel, who supports the public tasering of naughty children

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