Monday, March 05, 2007

For God's Sake, STFU!!

According to Jesus General, Michael Garbage Savage has been dropped by CAA because of a hate-filled rant directed at Melissa Etheridge. Good. I'm glad some people have some decent functioning brains out there in the real world.

Garbage Savage does not, as you can see:

"I don't like a woman married to a woman. It makes me want to puke. ... I want to vomit when I hear it. I think it's child abuse."

Garbage Savage goes on:

"Normal people are like Mommy and Daddy. Mommy and Daddy are normal."

Oh really, you festering pile of dog vomit?! Having a Mommy and a Daddy makes you "normal" and having two same sex parents is child abuse?!

Dear gods, you really are shit-brained jackass, aren't you?

You want to hear about child abuse? Do you, you brain-dead Neanderthal? Talk to my mother. She'll tell you, in brutal detail, what it was like living with an abusive drunk. She'll tell you how her "father" beat the living shit out of her, her mother and her eight siblings. She'll tell you how she was kicked out of the house at the age of 18 because her "father" didn't want to deal with her anymore. In his eyes, she was an adult and not his responsibility. She was homeless for a number of months before my great-grandmother took her in. She'll also tell you how it took the state of North Carolina 20+ years to finally catch on to what was going on. Once the state intervened and took my Aunt DeeDee away, the alcoholism got the better of my mother's father. He committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. It was 20 years too late. The drunken son of a bitch should have done it a hell of a lot earlier and spared his family a lot of pain.

Is that enough for you, dumbass? Or does Prime need to tell his story? He was raised by a Mommy and a genetic material donor (I won't call that pile of human feces Prime's father; he certainly was not) and his life was hell. Or does that not count because he was raised in a "normal" family?

Because if you consider this "normal", you are more fucked up in the head than I ever would have imagined.

Yes, I'm pissed off, even more so than usual. I have a killer sore throat, and hearing about this rotting pile of bovine fecal matter sends me over the edge. For most of my life, I've seen the damage that can be done to a child thanks to an abusive parent. The idea that having a Mommy and a Daddy makes a child's family life is full of sunshine and rainbows is bullshit. I was lucky; my childhood was mostly stable. But for every story like mine, there are stories like Prime and my mother. I long for the day we can have actual stable and loving two parent homes. Until then, to hell with the idea of the "normal family": it doesn't fucking exist.


KayInMaine said...

The funniest part? Savage is rumored to be gay himself. Ooops. Savage is part of a long line of hypocrites in the cult Nazy GOP!

Weasel said...

That would explain a lot. Can we say "self hate", class? Of course we can!