Saturday, June 14, 2008

And We Just Keep Piling on the Bullshit

I've got a Disturbed song stuck in my head right now; it's the only thing that isn't driving me crazy.

This morning before going to work, we found a lovely little "present" under one of our car's windshield wipers--it was a fucking parking ticket for parking on the street from 2-5 am, which, so far as I know, is only something to worry about during the winter months, or maybe some retarded special event that we didn't know about. Ours wasn't the only vehicle that got one, Prime found, but it pissed us off something fierce. Prime wants to contest it. Me, I want to pay the goddamned thing, but in fucking pennies or something. You know, just to be a royal dick.

But wait! The day gets even fucking BETTER!

Prime got our mortgage bill in the mail. Sent along with, yet in separate envelopes (frickin' USPS can deliver these simultaneously, but the five CDs we Amazon'd all at once with Pepsi Stuff points shipped all on one day but arrived three on Monday and two on Thursday?) were a couple of idiot letters. Basically, one letter said "Since you've been late with your past payments and haven't paid the full amount, we're not going to accept partial payments from you." The other was a DUR HUR HUR WHATS A DUE DATE FAQ. There's a couple of fucking problems though--

A) We have not been late with any of our fucking payments,
B) we've paid the goddamned payments IN FUCKING FULL! WTF?!

Maybe a C), too. The pukes holding our mortgage sure like to waste postage. And paper.

Seriously, enough with the bullshit this month. I'm about ready to start tearing my hair out.... before I dye it black and go totally fucking emo. Black plastic butter knives and everything.

--Weasel, "I'm about three seconds away from using the PUNCH OF KILL EVERYTHING... on everything!"

Dunno where I got the pic, so I can't give proper cred. I really ought to start keeping track of that sort of thing, but I save so many dippy pics that 'strike my fancy', so to speak....

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