Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Micro Vacation!

I'm on a bit of a vacation right now; by the time you read this, I'll be screaming my head off at a Milwaukee Brewers game. It'll be a full week: two Brewers games and DairyCon, too. With everything that's going on, I might need a vacation from the vacation!

--Weasel, "Time away from work is an awesome thing."


Kraneia said...

OMG...you DO like baseball??

.......I guess it's more interesting if you're actually there.

Me, I used to watch NASCAR. For the car crashes. Which they don't do so much any more.

stupid safety flaps.


Have fun, and be sure to grab a hot dog for me....

Weasel said...

I really have to blame Prime for that. He's been a Brewers fan for years, so it just rubbed off on me. I actually listen to the games on the radio, for heaven's sake. I never thought I'd be listening (or cheering) to a baseball game on the freaking car radio.

The games were AWESOME! We heard "Hells Bells" on both days. Hearing that at Miller Park means it's Trevor Time! I'm surprised that I still have a voice, I screamed so much.