Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Only Constant

Change is the only constant, in life and in the universe. And in the last 24 hours, my life has changed...dramatically.

Prime and I just signed the paperwork to purchase a house, namely the one his mother has been trying to sell for the past few months.

We're going to close on the 28th of February.

I'm excited. I'm terrified.

I'm overjoyed. I'm overwhelmed.

I'm ecstatic. I'm petrified.

I can't wait to move in, to start decorating, to actually be a homeowner. It's the bills that could stand to wait. Ugh, and the moving....!

But, a house. A home. My home. Our home. Prime and me, buying a home, together.

It's so just overwhelming. And exciting.

--Weasel, still in shock

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